Zum 20. Jahrestages des Mauerfalls…

unterstützt Microsoft das Projekt: http://www.citymosaic.de/ und alle die wollen können es unterstützen und sogar beteiligen. Ich habe die erhaltene Mail beigelegt. Leider ist diese in Englisch aber ich denke das sollte kein Problem sein:

In June 1989 former US president Ronald Reagan challenged Mikhail Gorbachev, General Secretary of the Soviet Union, in an emotional speech at the Brandenburg Gate with "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

Five month later on 9th November 1989 the Berlin Wall, the border between East and West Germany, the symbol of a divided nation and world, felt and changed the world in an tremendous way.

20 years later Berlin, Germany and the world celebrate the 20th anniversary of the fall of Berlin Wall. Two German guys, Lars Beckmann and Sascha Ackermann, came up with the great idea to integrate the whole world into these celebration and want to say “thank you to the world”.

On http://www.citymosaic.de/  the whole world can upload pictures of private moments with Berlin and the Berlin Wall. All pictures will be visualized in an innovative dynamic Berlin skyline based on Silverlight deepzoom technology going live on 8th of November.


Microsoft Germany supported this great idea with know-how and resource from MTC and DPE.

The project will be promoted in two Berlin newspapers and on the Teched in Berlin, starting on 11/09/2009.

PLEASE take part at the Citymosaic and spread the project to all your friends via Facebook, Twitter, Blogs and Email.



The application manages up to 5000 images dynamically. We will update each hour and will generate DeepZoom Skyline of Berlin. The application is running on Windows Server 2008 with IIS7 (hosted at partner STRATO), other features: Silverlight with DeepZoom, VS2008SP1+Blend, REST and JSON Interfaces to Twitter, Picasa and Flickr.

Blog it! Share it! Celebrate with us!

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